Project Description

In today’s world, software applications (“apps”), are relied upon more than ever. Behind every great app is a great developer and programming language. The reliability of a solid built app cannot be understated. With the amount off new apps being developed everyday, the world for programmers continues to grow. An app could be anything from the mobile app on your phone you use to pay your parking tickets, to the Dropbox, which is a cloud-based app you use to store your photos.

What Is Java?

Java is a popular computer programming language used for the creation of mobile apps, desktop apps, internet apps, and so much more. Instead of writing in numerical code, it enables programmers to write computer instructions in English-based commands.

Once a program has been written, the instructions are translated into numerical code the computer can understand. Originally Java was created for mobile devices, but in 1996, it shifted for use on the internet, providing developers a way to produce animated web pages.

This Java course has been designed to provide a career path into the industry of Software Development. This course teaches students how to understand the concept of objects and how they relate to programming using the Java language.

Additionally this course will go over the basic fundamentals of the Java language while utilizing Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. This course will utilize version control, which is used in the industry to track work, and provide a mechanism for restoring lost code.

This course will also teach students three pillars of OOP and utilize them in design patterns. Design patterns will take these fundamentals and put them to real world use to solve problems. Along with these, they will also learn the Software Development Lifecycle, so they know what it takes to create powerful applications.

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