Meet your Increased IT Demands with SnapIT Pods™

  • Reduce your Risk with Fixed bid pricing
  • Each Pod consists of one senior engineer and 3-4 graduates from our training courses

  • Continuous pipeline with SnapIT SPRNT ™ model

  • Monthly reporting

Deploy SnapIT Pods™ with Fixed Bid Pricing and Guaranteed Scalable Pipeline of In-Demand, Hi-Tech Talent and Solutions

How We Help

  • Continuous IT talent pipeline
  • In-House trained development resources
  • Match offshore development costs
  • Break down Business Operations Silos
  • Streamline the integration process
  • Quick-to-Market Processes

How We Do It?

Deploy talented IT professionals in 4-5 member pods, which is similar to an agile team, to create, enhance or maintain your IT solutions.

Our typical team consists of a senior level engineer that leads the team and serves as a liaison to your organization, 2 mid level IT professionals, and 2 entry level IT professionals that have come through SnapIT’s training program.

SnapIT SPRINT™ Patent-Pending Regenerative Workforce Model

SnapIT’s innovative regenerative workforce model is recognized as a proven model that solves the Hi-Tech skilled workforce shortage for both small businesses and major corporations seeking candidates with IT skills. Our regenerative model provides new learners with a platform to work with experts on internal and external projects to gain experience in the field, while providing companies with low risk technology solutions

RegenerativeWorkforceModel SnapIT

Our Approach to Project Management

SnapIT Pods™ believes in providing our customers with complete transparency to the software development process. We use a cloud-based project management tool providing you visibility to each task is in the process.

SnapIT Website Board Management

Healthcare Client Case Study

In early 2018 the nation’s leader in population health management determined that they needed additional software development experts, beyond that of their in-house team, to meet the demands of their customer enhancement requests.

Healthcare Client Case Study – SnapIT