The Problem

A local small business encountered problems with growing their student athlete recruiting business due to technology limitations. Because of the unique business, there was no out of the box product readily available to fully meet the needs. In order to increase engagement, both with students’ families and universities, the company needed a customized web-based solution that was user friendly and also scalable.

SnapIT helping Small Businesses

What Was Done

Upon engaging with the company, SnapIT walked through the customer journey of all of the users: students, parents, and college coaches looking for a talented pool of kids. The SnapIT team defined the need for a solution that was Customer Interface friendly and mobile responsive to allow for all user types.

Following an Agile methodology, SnapIT released feature sets in an iterative manner keeping the stakeholders involved in the project from day one. The result was a successful product implementation

Key Outcomes

  • The desired outcome of the project was exactly what the client wanted and needed to take his business to the next level.
  • Initially, the business started using the web application with a test group and then eventually rolled it out to thousands of its users.
  • The new project set new records for user signups as compared to the client’s previous system.