Guiding Principles

At SNAPIT SOLUTIONS, our integrity is non-negotiable – we do not tolerate bribery of any kind – and we will not knowingly facilitate any other party’s corrupt conduct. We will never trade our integrity for a business opportunity. We believe it is important that public officials spend public money based on the merits of the deal, not for personal interests. 

We do not bribe. You must not offer, promise, give or accept money or anything of value to or from any person to improperly obtain or retain business, secure an improper advantage, or otherwise influence them to act improperly. 

We do not allow third parties to bribe on our behalf. You may not use third parties to take actions that we cannot otherwise take ourselves. You must not ignore “red flags’ ‘ that indicate that a third party may make illegal payments or engage in corrupt behavior on SNAPIT SOLUTIONS’s behalf. We do not engage in activities that create the appearance of impropriety. 

We maintain accurate books and records. You must fairly and accurately represent how we spend our money, no matter how large or small the transaction. You must comply with our SNAPIT SOLUTIONS Global Master Records and Information Management Policy. 

We comply with local laws. This Policy sets a global, minimum standard and provides the underlying principles to help our employees and directors uphold SNAPIT SOLUTIONS’s anti-corruption commitment. However, many countries have more restrictive rules and you must comply with those requirements as well. 

Click Here for SnapIT Solutions Anti-Corruption Policy